Falling - Julee Cruise(1989)

Falling - Julee Cruise(1989)
80年末美國電視影集「雙峰」(Twin Peaks)的片尾曲,故事是從一個高中少女「蘿拉」遭到凌虐棄屍,調查過程疑雲重重,看似平凡無奇的小鎮則暗潮洶湧,每個人都有不可告人的祕密...。
這首歌旋律本身十分唯美動聽,電吉他,鋼琴與Julee Cruise有如嘆息的氣音演唱,則形成一股似幻似真的音色,呈現一份空靈飄渺的神祕感.

Don't let yourself be hurt this time
Don't let yourself be hurt this time
Then I saw your face
Then I saw your smile
The sky is still blue
The clouds come and go
Yet something is different
Are we falling in love?.....