
Arthur's Theme(Best that you can do)---Christopher Cross(1981)
本片描述Dudley Moore飾演的Arthur是個家財萬貫卻一無是處的小開,成日耽溺於酒精當中。他的祖母與父親都擔心這樣下去,家族將會凋零,億萬家產無以為繼。於是兩老想出對策,要他完成終身大事,才能獲得龐大財產,為了一筆750萬元的信託基金,他必須接受政治婚姻,但是在向女方求婚之後,竟又與Liza Minnelli飾演的窮女孩Linda墜入情網。Arthur向管家Hobson(John Gielgud飾演)求助,精心策劃一場完美行動,不但獲得了真愛還瞭解了人生的意義。

Once in your life you find her
Someone who turns your heart around
And next thing you know
You're closing down the town
Wake up and it's still with you
Even though you left(her) way across town
Wondering to yourself
Hey, what have I found
When you get caught between
Then moon and New York City
I know it's crazy but it's true
If you get caught between the moon and New York City
The best you can do
The best
That you can do
Is fall in love
Arthur he does as he pleases
All of his life his master's toy
And deep in his heart he's just
He's just a boy
Living his life on day at a time
Showing himself a pretty good time
Laughing about the way they want him to be


  •   mary霞 於 2012-06-16 22:54 2F

  • 版主於 2012-06-17 17:32 回覆
  •   Gloria 於 2012-05-25 23:57 1F
  • 它是一首值得欣賞的好音樂~

  • 版主於 2012-05-26 18:54 回覆